Home > school, spiritual > Evidence of a Creator

Evidence of a Creator

I was in my astronomy class the other day and the professor began to discuss and attempt to explain the “big bang” theory. I can honestly say that it did not make any sense to me at all! The problem was that he was trying to exlain something our finite brains cannot comprehend without a Creator. The evidence of a Creator is there! How does matter appear out of nowhere without a Creator? The more he explained this theory, the more I got lost in this reason of man and this turned me more toward the Ultimate Creator. They may say that that logic of reasoning is weak or illogical, but that’s just denying the Truth when it’s right in front of you.
And the billions of years? That’s something that I’m not going into at this moment….that and it’s difficult to type on an itty bitty keyboard…

That’s about all.

Categories: school, spiritual
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