
Posts Tagged ‘control’


So this is it? Is this the only thing that I’m going to experience in life is suffering? My life now has apparently run out of the grace that tells me that life isn’t so hard. It hurts so much, not only because I chose to end a relationship, but that I feel like I really don’t know who I am anymore. I feel like my whole life that I haven’t allowed God to be in control of my life. That he’s just my copilot that will get me out of a tight spot when I need Him. It’s very interesting to realize that. I am at the mercy of the Creator, he is consciously allowing me to be in “control” of my life, my not allowing Him to guide my choices is a very big mistake. That is saying that I don’t trust Him, my Creator, that He has the best things in mind for my life (whether I see them as “good” or “bad”).
In all, I must press on, regardless of how terrible I feel at the moment, keep on praising Him. No matter what.

I apologize if you think that this is very personal information in my life to share, but if I don’t share it, how am I going to help those that are going through a similar situation?

That’s all.